Thursday, May 26, 2011

Fluoride - The Real Truth

Fluoride is something I have been suspicious of since I was a young teen and interested in health. I was told that fluoride was necessary to prevent dental decay but I was not convinced. Several years ago after reading and research we decided to purchase a water filter which would remove the fluoride from our drinking water. And just a little over a year ago we got rid of the fluoride toothpaste and switched to toothpaste that had xylitol (something I have found very beneficial in preventing cavities!). And the last two times my children went to the dentist and had a fluoride treatment they were sick with a horrible cold or a stomach virus within 24-48 hours. After realizing the connection I became very opposed to this drug!

I would like to share with you some things I have read from Dr Mercola's research concerning this drug that is put in our water without our consent. Imagine a drug prescribed to the entire U.S. population with no consent, no way to track dosage or the individual's reaction or vulnerability to the drug. It sounds insane, but that is exactly what is happening in the United States with water fluoridation.

Fluoride has been added to the U.S. water supply for over fifty years in order to "prevent dental decay". Not only is this practice unsafe, but it is also ineffective. Data compiled by the World Health Organization shows absolutely no difference in tooth decay in countries that use fluoridated water compared with countries that don't use fluoridated water. Several studies have found that tooth decay rates do not increase when water fluoridation is stopped, and in some cases, the rates even decrease! The dental community now nearly uniformly believes that fluoride's benefits result from topical application, no when it is swallowed. Despite the dental community's belief and fluoride's apparent ineffectiveness, it continues to be used in the United States, but not without consequences. The fluoride that you ingest from the water supply and from the number of other sources such as toothpaste, mouthwashes, processed foods, some vitamin tablets, and beverages like fruit juice, soda, and tea is associated with a number of negative health effects. Lets look at some of them.

- Accumulates in your bones, making them brittle and more easily fractured
- Accumulates in your pineal gland, which may inhibit the production of the hormone
melatonin, which helps regulate the onset of puberty.
- Damages tooth enamel and may lower fertility rates.
- Has been found to increase the uptake of heavy metals such as aluminum and lead
into the brain and bloodstream.
- Depresses your immune system by inhibiting antibodies from forming in the blood.
- Confuses your immune system, causing it to attack the body's tissues. This can
increase the growth rate of tumors in people prone to cancer.

Noting these and other health risks and the obvious ethical issue of medicating an entire population without their consent, many European countries have banned water fluoridation. To put it simply, fluoride is not the beneficial additive that is purported to be. This is why, if you look on a tube of fluoride toothpaste, you will see a warning label. There is enough fluoride in a typical tube of toothpaste to kill two small children if they consumed the entire tube all at once. Clearly not something that you want to be ingesting regularly!

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