As I reflect on 2010, I am reminded of all the wonderful things that the Lord has taught me. Some things were ever so painful, but molded my character in such an amazing way. Other parts of 2010 were just wonderful, like my brothers wedding in September. And I have been blessed with some amazing friends through facebook this year! I have been blessed with like minded Believers who have encouraged me to press on and keep YHVH at the center of my life. The Lord has been so good to my family this year and I am so grateful. Tonight we celebrated our first Shabbat meal together and it was a wonderful experience. I made my first loaf of Challah bread and my husband read from the book of Matthew about our Messiah's last supper with His apostles. Nathan was eager to partake in the communion we shared together as we remembered the body and blood that Yeshua gave for us! We turned off the lights and ate by candlelight. It was a wonderful meal shared and I believe YHVH was honored. As 2010 comes to a close and another year begins I am reminded that our Messiah will return again soon! We must eagerly await Him and run the race on earth with perseverance. When He returns may He find us all faithful servants!
To all my family and friends, "The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make His face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up His countenance upon you and give you peace." Numbers 6:24-26
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