Friday, December 3, 2010

Cancer Prevention

Alright, I promise everyone that this is my last post for the day on my blog. I just have so much information I have gathered and feel the need to share it while I have a few moments of peace.

There have been hundreds of Egyptian bodies exhumed and their tissues examined for cancer cells and only one body contained cancer. There were arguments that maybe these people didn't live long enough to get cancer, but many bodies showed signs of other digeneritive diseases of aging. Dr Mercola is someone whose research and writings I trust and he has recently suggested that most of the cancers are brought on by diet, lifestyle and chemicals -- which are things we can change and/or limit and lessen our exposure to. He suggests three ways to help prevent and even fight cancer. I would like to share then with you here.

#1 - Optimize your levels of vitamin D year-round!

If people around the world did this, cancer deaths could be slashed by 30% - which amounts to 2 million people worldwide and 200,000 in the United States - each year! On a personal level you can decrease your risk of cancer by over half simply by optimizing your vitamin D levels with sun exposure. Vitamin D increases self destruction of of mutated cells, reduces the spread and reproduction of cancer cells, causes cells to become differentiated (cancer cells often lack this) and it reduces the growth of new blood vessels from pre-existing ones, which is a step in the transition of dormant tumors turning cancerous.

#2 - Optimize your Insulin levels!

Otto Warburn won the Nobel Prize in 1934 for discovering the physiology of cancer cells. This discovery clearly demonstrated that cancer cells require more sugar to thrive. All of our processed grains and refined grains and sugar are contributing to this growing cancer epidemic. More insulin is being required to be secreted by the pancreas to keep up with the loads of sugar we are putting into our bodies. This increased insulin level created a perfect breeding ground for cancer!

#3 - Opt for safer cancer screenings!

Routine mammography delivers an unrecognized high dose of radiation. If a woman follows the current guidelines for premenopausal screening, over a ten year period she would recieve a total dosage of about 5 rads. This approximates the level of exposure to radiation of a Japanese woman one mile from the epicenter of atom bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki! There is an alternative!

Thermographic breast screening! Thermography measures the radiation of infrared heat from your body and translates this information into anatomical images. Thermography uses no mechanical pressure or ionizing radiation, and can detect signs of breast cancer as much as ten years earlier than mammography or a physical exam - before a tumor has even formed! This is made possible because it can image the early stages of angiogenesis - the formation of a direct blood supply to cancer cells, which is a necessary step before they can grow into a tumors of size.

The American Cancer Society states that one-third of cancer deaths are linked to poor diet, physical inactivity, and carrying excess weight. And they are conservative in their numbers! I really believe that number is much higher!

In regards to all these things I have been discovering that are lurking in your daily personal products, your cleaning agents and so much more... I'd like to quote a German philosopher. Two hundred years ago Arthur Schopenhauer said this, "All truth goes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed, then it is violently opposed and finally it is widely accepted." How true is this statement? What about BPA? That is something that was laughable at one time, then totally opposed and now it has actually become widely accepted that BPA is dangerous for your body! Don't count on the government to know whats better for you before you do. Many things are labeled as "safe" by our government only to be recalled and discovered to have caused actual deaths! I believe we need to be wise and research things for ourselves. We must not let the government (or anyone for that matter) think for us!


  1. Interesting and encouraging. I am so glad that my parents started focusing on healthier options when I was a teenager. Since then I have gone in waves of being more careful sometimes and more compromising other times. I often think of the verse, "The people perish for lack of knowledge." Sometimes, though, especially in this internet age, I think the people perish for lack of caring. Our bodies will all perish someday, but until then I sure want to live a life full of health and vitality!

  2. Since my brother had childhood leukemia, my parents did opt for more healthy eating and fresh juicing. Thankfully my brother went into remission and was married in September. I do believe that people do perish for lack of knowledge, but yes also for lack of not wanting to know. I fear many people have stopped thinking for themselves and just relied on others. We are always one of the last countries to discover that something we have been selling as safe is NOT safe! This has caused me to no longer trust the FDA or WHO, but rather do my research and follow Gods leading. We are definitely appointed a time to die, but like you said it would be nice to live an abundant life while on earth in the meantime!
