I have been blessed by Abba with two amazing boys, a wonderful daughter and an incredible husband! We recently mived to Kentucky from Pennsylvania and are enjoying the slower pace and more quiet atmosphere of country living. I desire to live my life in such a way that others will come to know Yeshua as the Messiah who is my Beloved. It is my heart's desire to serve Him by my actions, lifestyle and words. May I honor Him in all I say and do!

Monday, June 21, 2010
What You Should Know Before You Vaccinate
Vaccinations are a controversial topic in America, but one that I am convinced needs to be talked about more openly and honestly. If vaccinations were as safe and effective as they claim, then there were be no reason to withhold information, to manipulate research data, and to viciously attack anyone who publicly questions mass vaccinations - yet all of these things happen. If authorities had the best interests of children at heart, there would be no reason for them to dismiss, without objective evaluation. proven options to vaccinations. Yet this also happens. For instance you may know that vaccines are intended to prevent diseases, but did you know that there are serious risks involved? That children have died from receiving them? That sometimes vaccines aren't effective, and often contain potentially harmful additives? The lack of information surrounding vaccinations makes it essential for parents to inform themselves before vaccinating their children. You, not your Doctor, public health officials, or any other medical or government authority, are responsible for this. It is sad but true that most parents who research vaccines for themselves become more educated about them than their own doctors. However this does not stop the doctors from criticizing them to the point of being abusive, accusing them of being irresponsible parents because they choose not to vaccinate. Dr. Mercola always tell parents facing this dilemma to ask their doctor this simple question: "Will you give me, in writing, your personal guarantee that if you vaccinate my child, the vaccine will be totally effective and totally safe?" He has yet to hear of a doctor who would put their personal assets on the line to give such a guarantee. There are five claims that the public health authorities make about vaccinations and I would like to discuss each one. Claim One: Vaccinations have virtually eliminated infectious disease. There is plenty of evidence that vaccines do have some protective effect. However, this does not mean that they were responsible for some of the significant reductions in disease levels seen during the 20th century. In fact, in many cases, disease improvements that have been credited to vaccinations were actually caused my improvements in water quality, sanitation, living conditions and nutrition, which led to an overall increase in public health. Most health departments will produce data that makes it seem like vaccinations were the savior. However, if you examine the same data from 1900 onward, the data shows unambiguously that most of the fall in deaths from whooping cough occur ed before mass vaccination was introduced! Improvements in hygiene, nursing care, and infection control caused the decline in deaths from diseases, not vaccines. Claim Two: Vaccination is highly effective. If you are a parent you were likely encouraged to believe that vaccinating your child would forever protect them from that specific disease. However, even public health sources admit that no vaccine is 100% effective, and most are reported to be between 75% and 99% effective at best. But these numbers don't even come close to reality, for when you examine real-world outbreaks, as opposed to clinical studies, you will find that protection rates are lower than this. Many studies out there can prove that. Claim Three: Vaccination is very safe. When your child is vaccinated there are foreign substances being injected into their body with contain potentially toxic chemicals. Routinely used chemicals include mercury and aluminum compounds, both of which are neurotoxins, along with formaldehyde, phenoxyethanol, neomycin, polymyxin, gentamicin, streptomycin, and phenol. Along with these potentially harmful chemicals, some vaccines contain genetic material from animals and humans, including mouse brain serum protein, human albumin, fetal bovine serum, porcine gelatin, and mokey kidney VERO cells. Claim Four: Vaccination is cost effective. Conventional medical authorities have not quantified long-term adverse effects of vaccination, stubbornly refuse to objectively evaluate data available on homeopathic option to vaccination, and have not correctly quantified the effectiveness of vaccination. So why do health authorities relentlessly push vaccination? Vaccinations are a $3-Billion Industry! With so much money at stake, why wouldn't the vaccine manufacturers and pharmaceutical companies lobby for compulsory vaccinations for all children? These same pharmaceutical companies use their money and power to influence and control our government and medical schools, indoctrinating physicians and politicians that vaccines are essential to preventative medicine and health. Vaccines are the bread and butter of the pediatricians practice. Claim Five: Vaccination is the only way to prevent infectious disease. You as a parent need to understand that you can help protect your children against all types of infectious diseases by providing them with healthy food to eat. Also important is eliminating processed foods and sugar as much as practically possible, as these foods typically lead to immune system impairment that will subsequently increase the risk for developing these infections. Research published over 50 years ago verifies this fact. When scientists attempted to infect healthy rabbits with polio, they were unsuccessful until they started feeding the rabbits sugar. Providing children with a peaceful and loving home environment will also enhance the general well being and support good nutrition. In closing I would like to quote Dr. James R. Shannon, who said: "The only safe vaccine is one that is never used."
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I have also written a three page more detailed paper on vaccines if you are interested. I would be more than happy to email it to anyone who would like to read more detailed info on this topic!