Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Soy is NOT a health food!

I am amazed at how the public has been misled into thinking that soy is a health food. The products we make here in the United States from soy are so highly processed they can hardly be called "health food". Over 80% of the soybean crops are genetically modified (something I will write about later but is very damaging to your health). The farmers can use abnormally high levels of pesticides on these plants because they are genetically engineered to contain a gene that makes them resistant to Roundup! Soy contains Antinutrients (enzyme inhibitors), Hemaglutinins (cause red blood cells to clump together and inhibit oxygen uptake and body growth), Goitrogens (frequently lead to depressed thyroid function), Phytates (prevent absorption of minerals), Phytoestrogens (can mimic and sometimes block the hormome estrogen), Aluminum (at high levels) and Maganese (at potentially toxic levels). One of the worst soy offenders out there is soy infant formula. In a 24 hour day a child who receive all their nutrition from soy formula will recieve the equivalent five birth control pills worth of estrogen! There is also a misconception that Asian countries have a high soy inake and have great health. The type of soy they consume is mostly fermented non-GMO soy products such as soy sauce, miso, tempeh and natto. These non-GMO soy foods are not highly processed and can be found in most health food stores. Fermentation drastically reduces the levels of soys harmful, anti-nutritice components, and it also aids in making the diffulcut to digest nutrients in the soybean more available for absorption. Soy can cause a host of problems like impeding the sexual maturation of boys, accelerating the sexual maturation of girls, reduced fertility, thyroid disorders, weakens your immune system and many other things. So dont be fooled into thinking soy is healthy for you.. its not!


  1. What are your thoughts on organic edamame?

  2. My personal opinion is that if you are going to eat soy at all eat it fermnented and eat it unprocessed but cooked very well. Organic at least meants it was not genetically modified and is free of pesticides. I am just cautious with stuff that we eat that isn't in the natural form.. for instance you can't go out and pick tofu.. it has to be processed which in my opinion is something we should severely limit in our diet... processed foods. Does that answer your question?
