I have been blessed by Abba with two amazing boys, a wonderful daughter and an incredible husband! We recently mived to Kentucky from Pennsylvania and are enjoying the slower pace and more quiet atmosphere of country living. I desire to live my life in such a way that others will come to know Yeshua as the Messiah who is my Beloved. It is my heart's desire to serve Him by my actions, lifestyle and words. May I honor Him in all I say and do!

Monday, November 5, 2012
Walking By Faith
Well, its been a long two years with lots of wonderful things mixed in with some not so wonderful things. My husband lost hours per week at his job in 2010 and that loss of several hundred dollars a month took a toll on our budget. Then in the beginning of 2011 he was let completely go from his full time job which he had been at for several years. It was a good paying job and the medical benefits were something we could afford which was a nice treat. However all of that ended in March 2010 right after we found out we were pregnant with blessing #3, Ava. We were so behind on all credit bills and our home that we made the decision to file bankruptcy and to go into foreclosure on our home. We had spent a year trying to sell our home with only one offer the entire time and it was for thousands of dollars less than what we needed to break even. Up until this point we had perfect credit. Ever since our bankruptcy we have been waiting to get that notice that says we need to leave our home. Our attorney had told us the average time was 12-18 months but he knew some people who were in their home for 2-3 years before being kicked out. So began the wait. All has been quiet for over two years now and we were sure our time was about to end. This past Sabbath I opened our mailbox to find a letter from an attorneys office stating that our mortgage company was officially pursuing the debt we owed and in 30 days they would commence foreclosure actions. We are told in the state of PA we will have 60 days to move out. So, if this is true and if they move the soonest they can.. we will need to have a place to live by February 1, 2013. With our price range and desire to live in a safe area the project of finding a place to live seems like a HUGE mountain to get over. We really would like to find a place with a yard and my husband believes that for the times we might be facing living OUTSIDE of the city would be a wise thing. My little faith mind just cannot see how this is gonna happen. Of course I know that my Father has just the place for us and we just need to pray, listen and wait on him. This is the hard part for me :) We do have a pop up and I am sure some families from our fellowship would be willing to let us live on their land if we needed to but there is no heat in our pop up so if we need to be out in Feb, that wont work. We had wanted to get an old camping trailer with our tax return so we could have somewhere to live if we were kicked out but until tax time we dont have a dime for that. And so begins another journey of learning to walk by faith. I am asking that anyone who reads my blog could remember us in your prayers that Yehovah would guide and direct our steps on this matter. I am excited to see what HE will do and where He will place us. Thank you for your prayers and for caring enough about our lives to read my blog posts. May Yehovah bless you and keep you! Shalom!
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Waiting is always the hardest parts of anything! I know its a lesson that took me many years to come to where I am in right now. Its sooo hard to wait on anything when it comes to the safety and caring of our families. I was not always anywhere near a patient person truth be told and the way I had to learn was through my husbands late late nights working. Dinner at 9 was not what I thought the way things worked! I so believe He set things up like that to show me who really is in charge. A hard lesson it was too and to be honest not sure that lesson has truly cemented itself yet! lol My prayers are with you all and you know He will work it out. Moving out of the city, away from some of the things that are in your 'face' so much might resolve themselves also. Dee Ann