I have been blessed by Abba with two amazing boys, a wonderful daughter and an incredible husband! We recently mived to Kentucky from Pennsylvania and are enjoying the slower pace and more quiet atmosphere of country living. I desire to live my life in such a way that others will come to know Yeshua as the Messiah who is my Beloved. It is my heart's desire to serve Him by my actions, lifestyle and words. May I honor Him in all I say and do!

Sunday, October 28, 2012
What a journey these past two years have been for me and my family. The depths of the Scriptures have been a treasure we have uncovered too wonderful for words. The change it has brought in our family has been nothing short of amazing. It has not been without its difficulties I can assure you, but it has been worth every hardship and tear we have endured. Living life abundantly (and I dont mean financially) has been the theme of these past two years for sure! So now its been over a year since I last posted on this blog and I thought it was time to resurrect my blogging skills! I have been so caught up in the Facebook world that I could hardly remember what life was like before it. Now dont get me wrong.. it has been a source of truth, wisdom, encouragement and growth for me these past few years for sure. However, it has recently become a time waster for me and a source of confusion, stress and frustration. After some recent events the Father made it very clear to me that it was time to UNPLUG! It was time to BE STILL and just KNOW that HE IS! My husband confirmed this was what I was to do and I knew it was time to be obedient to my husband and to my Father. I cannot tell you the sweet relief that rushed over me when I hit the DELETE button for my FB account. It was as though a weight lifted off my shoulders and I was free! I no longer had to worry if there was a "fire" somewhere that I had to put out or a post that I had to research the validity of. I didnt have to hear the latest nonsense about a teaching that I believed based on the WORD was totally false. I no longer had to see people parrot information that was inaccurate and I no longer had to hear sad tales of those who had walked away from my Messiah Yeshua! Of course I realize that I still have to live and I live in an imperfect world and will hear negative news for sure even outside of FB. But for now.. the FB drama is behind me! I can now focus on Scripture and submitting to the Spiritual leadership of my husband. I am SO blessed to even have a husband who cares about the things of Yehovah. So this is my first blog entry since I have unplugged and it feels wonderful. I will try my best to write regularly on here and to share as I feel the Father leads me to. I hope you all will along on this journey and feel free to comment and share your life with me. I have much goal setting to do and priorities to set in order now that I have unplugged from a very addictive social media outlet. I cannot wait to begin this new journey.. one of more peace and quietness than I have experienced in the past I believe. Thank you for taking an interest in my journey and I pray the Father blesses each step you take on yours! Shalom!
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It really is a great feeling when we finally let go of something we know we should. Even if it takes time to finally do it, thats the way I felt when I quit as a moderator on a christian forum. It really felt as if I was free of some awful weight. May He bless you and your family abundantly!
Dee Ann