I would like to share something that my Abba Father has so lovingly shown me.. I am humbled, I am full of gratitude and love....
I am standing at the foot of the cross and as I look up I see my Savior, Yashua, dripping blood and gasping for breath. He is in agony and He looks down at me. I drop to my knees and bury my head in my hands, weeping uncontrollably. I just keep hearing these words from the cross, "Your penalty is paid, your penalty is paid my child!" I manage to stop sobbing just long enough to look up at the cross. As I look I see these ordinances against me on papers just nailed all over His cross.. there they are.. lying, hate, pride, selfishness, bitterness, disobedience.. its ALL there! Every one of them I stand guilty of! Underneath each ordinance is the penalty written: DEATH! Wow, I am trembling and weeping again now. My Savior speaks again as He gasps for breath, "Your...penalty..is..paid! It....is...FINISHED!"
My Savior has breathed His last breath. He died for ME! For my SIN! This is GRACE! Unmerited favor! I rise to my feet quickly... I am FORGIVEN! I am FORGIVEN! The written ordinances against me have been PAID IN FULL!!! What can I do to show my Savior my gratefulness for what He has done? What can I do to show Him just how much I love Him? Should I return to my former ways and continue in lying, hatred, pride, selfishness, bitterness and disobedience? God forbid! I will REPENT! TURN from my sinful ways! I will seek to live my life for HIM! I love Him so much! My heart can barely contain all the love I have for Him! My Savior! He died in my place! I will obey Him with ALL my heart! I will walk as He walked! I will obey His commands, His law, His ordinances and His statues! They will become my delight! I will be a light on a hill! A beacon for Him! I will walk in love and humility and follow in His very footsteps until my very last breath! I will fail and I will sin, but I will be quick to repent knowing that He will forgive me! This is GRACE! This is what freedom really looks like.. freedom to obey Him!
I am now skipping down the hill. I must tell my friends, my family and all who I can. The time is becoming short! Yahshua is coming again! He has promised! He is coming back for ME! And for all those who are in covenant with His Father! Who by FAITH are saved! Let my life song sing to you Abba Father! The bridegroom is coming! The bridegroom is coming! Be ready! Dont let your lamp oil run out! Let it burn bright for ALL the world to see! May He find me faithful when He returns!
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