Tuesday, November 9, 2010


So it has been a terribly rough week already and its just Tuesday. I dont know what God is trying to do but whatever it is.. it sure is painful. I lost two very dear friends back in August.. lost as in the cyber dumped me after literally years of friendship. I was so hurt, so devastated by this that I was sure there could be no good in it. Yet I was pleasantly surprised to see how God showed me I needed to rely on Him more and that He was all I needed. I started changing in a positive way and God blessed me with new, godly Christian ladies whom I might have never met if things had not happened between those two friends and I.

So I thought for sure I had learned my lesson good and well. I totally depended on God now as my only true friend (I thought). However, yesterday I received the most hateful, accusatory email from a "friend" that anyone could receive. We are in the process of foreclosure and had to file bankruptcy in September (for those of you who dont know). My husband a day a week of work for over a year due to the economy and we literally sunk financially. We are very careful with our money and have no cable TV, no Internet (I use someone elses)... but still we could no longer keep up. Anyway this "friend" who just came back from a missions trip with his church said that he could no longer be our friend cause he wanted to surround himself with True Christian friends which we were obviously not because of filing bankruptcy and being in foreclosure. He then proceeded to accuse us of maxing out our cards (which we did not!) on "wants" and not "needs". He said my posts on my facebook about being thankful for God's blessings made him sick cause I was trying to show everyone how I had so much more than everyone else. I was so devastated when I read this email that there were tears streaming down my face. I couldn't believe what I was reading! He then blocked me from communication with him as well as his wife and told us never to contact them again. I just couldnt understand what God was possibly trying to teach me this time around. I will tell you one thing.. I am seriously contemplating no longer calling myself a Christian but a Christ-Follower. These people who are claiming to be Christians are certainly the furthest thing from Christ I have ever encountered. I am by no means perfect and I make mistakes daily, but God severely discipline me if I should ever say such hateful things to someone. I wonder what God would do if he came back to earth and saw people who represented Him acting this way. It makes me wonder about church and organized religion. I mean this guy just came back from a missions trip! How much more "in tune" with God could he have been and then to spew such filth from his mouth? Are we not all part of Gods family? Why do we treat each other this way? I certainly dont know that answers to these questions. There are so many things spinning through my head right now. I am trying to walk in forgiveness, which is so much easier said than done. One thing I have discovered positive out of this whole situation. I was concerned that my son was being influenced in a negative way by this couple's older children. No child is perfect and certainly not mine.. but I didn't like the deviant behavior and the disrespect that I saw from these childrens and I was wondering how to protect my children without offending them. Well this truly solved my problems. So maybe this was God's way of protecting my family. I surely dont know His plan, but I believe that all things work together for good. I am just praying these "lessons" are soon over with and that God will bring Christ honoring people into my life and into my childrens life that will encourage us and not tear us down.


  1. I'm sorry that you are experiencing difficulties. God uses things/people/circumstances in our lives to teach us, chastise us, encourage us and help us to grow. When difficulties arise it is always good to look inside ourselves to see if something we have done could be causing this. Do we have unconfessed sin? Have we done something to offend? Do we partake in gossip? Is there a misunderstanding/miscommunication that we need to deal with? Not knowing any particulars of your situation, these are just things that I have found helpful in my own life when difficulties arise. May God give you the grace to accept, to forgive, to seek forgiveness, and to seek Him.

  2. So sorry Rebekah! God certainly did not want you to be hurt that way. Why can't Christians stop judging one another? So sorry you went through that.

  3. Thank you Anonymous for your kind words, comments and advice. While I am certainly not prefect I have apologized for any wrong doing on my part to this couple. I cannot force them to forgive me, but I can choose to forgive them despite it all. I truly believe the Lord is doing a "house cleaning" in my life and just wants me to be around the right crowd. Clearly He closed this door, but I am sure He will open another. I daily ask God to forgive me for my shortcomings and I am so grateful that he is so forgiving and merciful.

    Alison, thanks for your sweet words! I truly dont understand why others cannot seem to stop judging... Christians seem the worst to. My non-christian friends have never been as judgemental or as cold hearted. I just keep my eyes on Him!

  4. Rebekah, I feel for you. Some people can be so mean. It is especially hard when they are petty and heartless "in the name of Christ", ouch! And shame on them! Cozy up to your Heavenly Father and let Him sort it all out. Hopefully you will be able to find comfort from the stress that I know from experience comes with such hostility. Blessings and love to you <3

  5. Thanks Amy... I feel so much better today than I did yesterday. Thank the Lord for real Christian friends. Despite it all, I am truly blessed!

  6. So sorry Bekah! We can all allow pride to seep into our lives, unfortunately even when we are so convinced we are doing God's work. Christ's way is not popular: pray for one's enemies, do good to those who persecute you, to forgive those who trespass against us. Blessed are the merciful (not the self-righteous!) for they shall obtain mercy. Oh I've been so guilty myself of self-righteousness. Ick. Praying for you!
