I dont know about many of you, but I often find myself desiring to start routines, disciplines, good habits and find my husband completely lacking these ideas. He is a wonderful man, dont get me wrong, but he doesn't seem to think deeply about many things. However he is very complient about almost anything. If I suggest an idea to him it usually goes over very well. For many years though I have thought that it was his job as the man of the house to think of these things on his own. One matter in particular was that of family devotions. I thought he should come up with the idea to do them and he should be consistent with them without my help. Recently my ideas have shifts when I received a wonderful magazine in the mail which talked about this very subject. Here are some insights I learned that I wanted to share with other wives/moms out there to encourage them.
Family devotions does not happen easily. You have to make it happen. There are ten points for consideration as we contemplate how to make this blessing happen in our home. First we need to ask our husband. Are you waiting for your husband to get the idea? I am sorry to inform you that you may until the Lord comes. He may never think about it! We, as wives, can share our vision with our husbands. In Proverbs 31:27 it says in regards to mothers/wives, "She watches over the affaird of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness." Second, we can set the stage for family devotions. Have dinner ready when your husband comes home so the mood is set right. Third, clean up before dinner. Its hard to enjoy a meal in the midst of shambles. Clean up all the mess and junk. This makes your husband want to come home! Fourth, make it a priority. Dont allow other things, even legitimate and good ones to cheat you of this most important duty of all. Many families miss out on eating together , and having family devotions because they are not even home! Fifth, turn off the TV! Make sure the TV is turned off before your husband comes home. Turn on some peaceful music. Good music changes the atmosphere as you prepare the meal and it gives an ambience of peace and joy when your husband walks in. Sixth, pass the Bible. Here is another secret role for you as a wife. After enjoying the meal and fellowshipping together, place the Bible or the devotional you have chosen to use, beside your husbands plate. You dont have to say a word and this will give him the cue to pick it up and begin reading. You, as his helpmeet, can jog his memory without even nagging! Seven, include the young children. When do you start devotions with your children at the table? I suggest you start in the womb. It is important to hear the Word from the earliest age. It also is good practice for young children to learn to sit still and quietly when requested (this help in church later). Eight, wait to clear the table. Dont clear the table before you have devotions. The atmosphere seems completely changed when people are getting up and down putting dishes in the sink and such. Nine, in your husbands absence you can lead the family in devotions. Tenth and final, morning devotions. To have devotions in the morning as a family you also have to make it happen. You have different seasons in your life and breakfast and devotions will be at different times according to your season, your childrens ages and your husbands work pattern. Having morning devotions together as a family helps train your family to be organized and ready for the day.
I found this article and many more helpful articles from the Above Rubies magazine. Please visit their website at www.aboverubies.org and check out what other great things they have to share.
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