Fluoride is something I have been suspicious of since I was a young teen and interested in health. I was told that fluoride was necessary to prevent dental decay but I was not convinced. Several years ago after reading and research we decided to purchase a water filter which would remove the fluoride from our drinking water. And just a little over a year ago we got rid of the fluoride toothpaste and switched to toothpaste that had xylitol (something I have found very beneficial in preventing cavities!). And the last two times my children went to the dentist and had a fluoride treatment they were sick with a horrible cold or a stomach virus within 24-48 hours. After realizing the connection I became very opposed to this drug!
I would like to share with you some things I have read from Dr Mercola's research concerning this drug that is put in our water without our consent. Imagine a drug prescribed to the entire U.S. population with no consent, no way to track dosage or the individual's reaction or vulnerability to the drug. It sounds insane, but that is exactly what is happening in the United States with water fluoridation.
Fluoride has been added to the U.S. water supply for over fifty years in order to "prevent dental decay". Not only is this practice unsafe, but it is also ineffective. Data compiled by the World Health Organization shows absolutely no difference in tooth decay in countries that use fluoridated water compared with countries that don't use fluoridated water. Several studies have found that tooth decay rates do not increase when water fluoridation is stopped, and in some cases, the rates even decrease! The dental community now nearly uniformly believes that fluoride's benefits result from topical application, no when it is swallowed. Despite the dental community's belief and fluoride's apparent ineffectiveness, it continues to be used in the United States, but not without consequences. The fluoride that you ingest from the water supply and from the number of other sources such as toothpaste, mouthwashes, processed foods, some vitamin tablets, and beverages like fruit juice, soda, and tea is associated with a number of negative health effects. Lets look at some of them.
- Accumulates in your bones, making them brittle and more easily fractured
- Accumulates in your pineal gland, which may inhibit the production of the hormone
melatonin, which helps regulate the onset of puberty.
- Damages tooth enamel and may lower fertility rates.
- Has been found to increase the uptake of heavy metals such as aluminum and lead
into the brain and bloodstream.
- Depresses your immune system by inhibiting antibodies from forming in the blood.
- Confuses your immune system, causing it to attack the body's tissues. This can
increase the growth rate of tumors in people prone to cancer.
Noting these and other health risks and the obvious ethical issue of medicating an entire population without their consent, many European countries have banned water fluoridation. To put it simply, fluoride is not the beneficial additive that is purported to be. This is why, if you look on a tube of fluoride toothpaste, you will see a warning label. There is enough fluoride in a typical tube of toothpaste to kill two small children if they consumed the entire tube all at once. Clearly not something that you want to be ingesting regularly!
I have been blessed by Abba with two amazing boys, a wonderful daughter and an incredible husband! We recently mived to Kentucky from Pennsylvania and are enjoying the slower pace and more quiet atmosphere of country living. I desire to live my life in such a way that others will come to know Yeshua as the Messiah who is my Beloved. It is my heart's desire to serve Him by my actions, lifestyle and words. May I honor Him in all I say and do!

Thursday, May 26, 2011
Fluoride - The Real Truth
Posted by
Extraordinary In The Ordinary: One Orthodox Christian Mother's Musings
6:52 PM
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Wednesday, May 25, 2011
What Being A Mother and Keeper at Home Means To Me
Its been awhile once again since I have posted. I have been dealing with motherhood in a very real way.. morning sickness! Well actually thats not a very accurate word in my humble opinion. I would call it all day and night sickness. Thankfully I will be 12 weeks on Monday and constant nausea and horrible feeling should be starting to wind down very soon. I have tried not to complain too much as I am just grateful that Yahweh has blessed us with another child and that He has sustained him/her in my womb during this time. I know there are many others out there who would do anything to have all day sickness. I am truly blessed and praise Yahweh for the fruitful womb that He gave me.
This time of sickness has caused me to really reflect on what being a mother and a keeper at home means to me. When I am pregnant I notice right away how easy it is to give up junk foods or things that would not be the best nutrition for my body. I am willing to sacrifice anything in the world for my baby. Obviously being sick for days and nights on end for months WILLINGLY is another thing that being a mother means to me.
I am amazed that Yahweh has decided to bless me with the privilege of motherhood. Motherhood has taught me alot about unconditional love and self-less living. My time is no longer my own and I am on call 24/7. I am responsible for nurturing these blessings. Through my love they can see the love of their Abba Father. This is a huge responsibility and something that I often fail at. I ask Yahweh every day to help me be His hands and feet on this earth to my children. I have learned that giving my time to my children is more important than an empty kitchen sink before I go to bed. I have learned that a kiss from mommy on any boo-boo is magical. I have learned that being a mother is not about what can I GAIN, but about what I can GIVE.
Being a mother means that I get to train my children up in the fear and admonition of Yahweh. I get to talk with them about Him when they sit down, when they walk beside me, when they rise up and when they go to bed. I have the privilege of educating them in academics at home and in doing that it allows me to make Yahweh part of their teaching every single moment. Home educating my children has been a lesson in patience, meekness, self-control and love. I thought I would teach my children tons of things, but turns out they have taught me way more! I would never be the mother I am today without the opportunity to home educate them. I am grateful for that and for my husband's complete support in raising our children at home.
I wouldn't trade being a keeper at home for anything in the world! I was the first to see them walk and talk. I was the first one to comfort them when they got their first boo-boo. I was the one to teach them their ABC's and teach them who Yahweh is and how special they are to Him. I was the one who was able to sit on the couch with my son and teach him to read. One letter, one sentence and then one page at a time. I was there to listen to him share his thoughts, his dreams and his imagination. I was there to build blocks and read book after book after book. No, I didn't get to go to the gym every day. I made due with one car many times. I didn't have new clothes. I couldn't get a manicure or a pedicure. I couldn't get a massage when I was stressed out or head to the local spa to pamper myself on a rough day. I couldn't go out to eat much and had to learn to plan meals and cook from scratch. I didn't get to go to a job where I was recognized by the boss, given pay raises and made to feel important. But you know what? I dont regret anything! I wouldn't want to trade being a keeper at home for all the money, comfort and recognition in this world. I am happy to hear "I love you mommy!" from my children. I am happy to tuck them into bed each night and greet them when they wake up each morning. I am happy to discover the world right along with them.
One day they will be all grown up and I wont be able to tuck them in bed anymore or greet them when they wake up. They wont be sitting on my lap letting me read them books. I wont be kissing their boo-boos or teaching them how to read. I will hopefully be watching them grow up to be men who fear Yahweh and raise strong families for Him. Watching them support their wives in being keepers at home. That is my prayer. A life of sacrifices but with no regrets! Thats what being a mother means to me!
Titus 2:4-5 That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children, To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed.
This time of sickness has caused me to really reflect on what being a mother and a keeper at home means to me. When I am pregnant I notice right away how easy it is to give up junk foods or things that would not be the best nutrition for my body. I am willing to sacrifice anything in the world for my baby. Obviously being sick for days and nights on end for months WILLINGLY is another thing that being a mother means to me.
I am amazed that Yahweh has decided to bless me with the privilege of motherhood. Motherhood has taught me alot about unconditional love and self-less living. My time is no longer my own and I am on call 24/7. I am responsible for nurturing these blessings. Through my love they can see the love of their Abba Father. This is a huge responsibility and something that I often fail at. I ask Yahweh every day to help me be His hands and feet on this earth to my children. I have learned that giving my time to my children is more important than an empty kitchen sink before I go to bed. I have learned that a kiss from mommy on any boo-boo is magical. I have learned that being a mother is not about what can I GAIN, but about what I can GIVE.
Being a mother means that I get to train my children up in the fear and admonition of Yahweh. I get to talk with them about Him when they sit down, when they walk beside me, when they rise up and when they go to bed. I have the privilege of educating them in academics at home and in doing that it allows me to make Yahweh part of their teaching every single moment. Home educating my children has been a lesson in patience, meekness, self-control and love. I thought I would teach my children tons of things, but turns out they have taught me way more! I would never be the mother I am today without the opportunity to home educate them. I am grateful for that and for my husband's complete support in raising our children at home.
I wouldn't trade being a keeper at home for anything in the world! I was the first to see them walk and talk. I was the first one to comfort them when they got their first boo-boo. I was the one to teach them their ABC's and teach them who Yahweh is and how special they are to Him. I was the one who was able to sit on the couch with my son and teach him to read. One letter, one sentence and then one page at a time. I was there to listen to him share his thoughts, his dreams and his imagination. I was there to build blocks and read book after book after book. No, I didn't get to go to the gym every day. I made due with one car many times. I didn't have new clothes. I couldn't get a manicure or a pedicure. I couldn't get a massage when I was stressed out or head to the local spa to pamper myself on a rough day. I couldn't go out to eat much and had to learn to plan meals and cook from scratch. I didn't get to go to a job where I was recognized by the boss, given pay raises and made to feel important. But you know what? I dont regret anything! I wouldn't want to trade being a keeper at home for all the money, comfort and recognition in this world. I am happy to hear "I love you mommy!" from my children. I am happy to tuck them into bed each night and greet them when they wake up each morning. I am happy to discover the world right along with them.
One day they will be all grown up and I wont be able to tuck them in bed anymore or greet them when they wake up. They wont be sitting on my lap letting me read them books. I wont be kissing their boo-boos or teaching them how to read. I will hopefully be watching them grow up to be men who fear Yahweh and raise strong families for Him. Watching them support their wives in being keepers at home. That is my prayer. A life of sacrifices but with no regrets! Thats what being a mother means to me!
Titus 2:4-5 That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children, To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed.
Posted by
Extraordinary In The Ordinary: One Orthodox Christian Mother's Musings
8:47 PM

Tuesday, May 17, 2011
A Life of Surrender, Faith and Trust
These past few months have been quite on a journey on many levels. I have studied the Bible more than I ever have in my entire life. I have re-evaluated my beliefs based on what I had been taught versus what the Bible says. I have learned alot and of course have alot more to learn. I will never arrive.
At the end of March my husband called me from work one morning and said some things a wife never wants to hear, "Honey, I got fired and I am on my way home". Amazingly enough God had prepared my heart and mind for something like this and I was not filled with fear or panic at all. It was a miracle. Hubby came home from work and filed for unemployment, fully prepared for his company to fight it. It has been a miracle but they have not fought the unemployment at all! Yes the money he makes now is like $800 less a month than what he was making before, but because we are in foreclosure we do not have a housing payment (until we are kicked out) and so that has actually been a blessing in disguise.
Andrew has applied for school at HACC and is looking into getting a certificate in Computer Repair Technology. He wants to have more employment options than just warehouse jobs. His placement test is this Friday to see what classes he will have to take in order to begin. We are taking it one day at a time. The program will take two years to complete if he does it full time and during the summers. However, I am sure we will get the notice to leave this property before two years are up. We have already gone a year without a notice and the average time we were told was 12-18 months. Once we get that notice we of course will have to move somewhere that has a rental fee which means he wont be able to do school anymore.. or at least not more than one class a semester. So we are relying on God to lead us wherever He chooses. We are very open to moving out of the area and even out of the state. We are seriously considering a very big move and if God opens the doors, we will follow.
About a week after he was fired we found out that I was expecting blessing #3! I guess some people would be worried and wonder what they were going to do, but once again God gave me a peace that passes all understanding and I was not worried at all. Where God guides, He provides. I trust that He will provide for this little one's every need and our family as well. Of course medical insurance ended for us on April 1st and this is something much needed for a pregnant mama. I applied for medical assistance and just heard from them on Friday that I was approved. So once again, God has provided for our every need. God has also provided us with so many new friends who have not only prayed for us, but have put love into action and given us money to help with the little things that have come along. We have never seen such love in action from other brothers and sisters and it has renewed our faith and encouraged us to know that there are genuine Believers out there.
We are not sure where the path that God has for us will lead us but we are willing to follow wherever that leads to. We have learned alot about faith and surrender in these past few months and we have learned what trusting in God really looks like. Its been quite the journey and I look forward to what the rest of the journey has in store for us. I have learned so many life lessons and I am so grateful that God has used these circumstances to mold my character. I look forward to Him molding me more and more into His image. He is the Potter and I am the clay.
At the end of March my husband called me from work one morning and said some things a wife never wants to hear, "Honey, I got fired and I am on my way home". Amazingly enough God had prepared my heart and mind for something like this and I was not filled with fear or panic at all. It was a miracle. Hubby came home from work and filed for unemployment, fully prepared for his company to fight it. It has been a miracle but they have not fought the unemployment at all! Yes the money he makes now is like $800 less a month than what he was making before, but because we are in foreclosure we do not have a housing payment (until we are kicked out) and so that has actually been a blessing in disguise.
Andrew has applied for school at HACC and is looking into getting a certificate in Computer Repair Technology. He wants to have more employment options than just warehouse jobs. His placement test is this Friday to see what classes he will have to take in order to begin. We are taking it one day at a time. The program will take two years to complete if he does it full time and during the summers. However, I am sure we will get the notice to leave this property before two years are up. We have already gone a year without a notice and the average time we were told was 12-18 months. Once we get that notice we of course will have to move somewhere that has a rental fee which means he wont be able to do school anymore.. or at least not more than one class a semester. So we are relying on God to lead us wherever He chooses. We are very open to moving out of the area and even out of the state. We are seriously considering a very big move and if God opens the doors, we will follow.
About a week after he was fired we found out that I was expecting blessing #3! I guess some people would be worried and wonder what they were going to do, but once again God gave me a peace that passes all understanding and I was not worried at all. Where God guides, He provides. I trust that He will provide for this little one's every need and our family as well. Of course medical insurance ended for us on April 1st and this is something much needed for a pregnant mama. I applied for medical assistance and just heard from them on Friday that I was approved. So once again, God has provided for our every need. God has also provided us with so many new friends who have not only prayed for us, but have put love into action and given us money to help with the little things that have come along. We have never seen such love in action from other brothers and sisters and it has renewed our faith and encouraged us to know that there are genuine Believers out there.
We are not sure where the path that God has for us will lead us but we are willing to follow wherever that leads to. We have learned alot about faith and surrender in these past few months and we have learned what trusting in God really looks like. Its been quite the journey and I look forward to what the rest of the journey has in store for us. I have learned so many life lessons and I am so grateful that God has used these circumstances to mold my character. I look forward to Him molding me more and more into His image. He is the Potter and I am the clay.
Posted by
Extraordinary In The Ordinary: One Orthodox Christian Mother's Musings
1:22 PM

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